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Habitual Offender Declarations

Habitual Offender Declarations

Up until October 2017, when a driver had been convicted of 3 serious driving offences over a 5 year period, the person would be declared as a ‘Habitual Traffic Offender’ in NSW.

Transport NSW would then impose a further five year license disqualification.

After realising that lengthy disqualification periods did not act as a deterrent to committing further offences, this program was abolished. However, when this was abolished, existing declarations were not automatically removed.

If are still subject to a habitual traffic offenders declaration, an application must be made to the court for it to be quashed.

Appropriate documentation and your traffic record needs to be filed with Transport NSW first. Once this has been listed in court, the magistrate will have to determine the request to quash with consideration to your driving history, your particular circumstances and need for a licence.

Get in touch with our team today to discuss your circumstances and for more information on the process.

Tayla Regan

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