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Criminal Law

Terrorism Offences

The Law

Terrorism offences are governed by commonwealth legislation and are taken extremely seriously by the courts.

A ‘terrorist act’ is defined in the legislation as an action or threat of action involving the intention of advancing a political, religious, or ideological cause. The act must be done with the intention of coercing or influencing by intimidation, a government or intimidating the public or a section of the public.

Types of offences

There are many types of Terrorism offences, all with varying maximum penalties.

Examples of Terrorist offences include:

  1. > Financing or finding a terrorist or terrorism;

  2. > Associating with a terrorist organisation;

  3. > Providing support, training, membership or recruiting a terrorist organisation;

  4. > Engaging in or training in preparation for a terrorist act;

  5. > Possessing things connected with a terrorist act;

  6. > Collecting or making documents likely to facilitate terrorist acts.

Pleading Guilty or Not Guilty

The penalties are severe where a person is convicted of a Terrorism offence. It is vital to obtain expert legal advice before entering a plea to an offence of this nature. Call our legal team to receive tailored legal advice suited to your case.

Tayla Regan

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