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Criminal Law

Firearm Offences

The Law

If you are in possession or use a firearm without a licence or permit to do so, you can be charged under section 7A Firearms Act 1996 (NSW).

If you supply, acquire, possess or use an unregistered or prohibited firearm, you will be charged pursuant to section 36(1) or section 7 of the Firearms Act 1996 (NSW).

Maximum Penalties

Possession or use of a firearm without authorisation by a licence or permit carried 5 years maximum imprisonment at law.

Where you are found to have possessed, used or supplied firearm that is not registered or is prohibited, the maximum penalty imposed is 14 years imprisonment.

Elements of the offence

For an offence under section 7A, the prosecution are to prove:

  1. You had a firearm in your possession, or infact used it;

  2. You did this in a way that you were not authorised to under a licence or permit;

  3. You did not have a firearms licence.

For an offence under section 7, the prosecution are to prove:

  1. You possessed or used a pistol or firearm;

  2. That pistol or firearm is prohibited;

  3. Your licence or permit didn’t allow you to use it in that way or you didn’t have a licence or permit at the time.

For an offence under section 7, the prosecution are to prove:

  1. You must not supply, acquire, possess or use a firearm;

  2. That firearm was not registered.

Pleading Not Guilty


  1. You possessed or used a firearm for a genuine reason expressed in your licence;

  2. The firearm was no unregistered, unregistered or prohibited;

  3. The firearm was not in your possession.

Pleading Guilty

There are serious consequences for pleading guilty to Firearm offences and it is important that you seek the right legal advice and guidance before determining your plea. Call our team to arrange a free initial consultation to discuss further.

It is a good idea to obtain a Psychological Report for sentence in order to provide the Judge with as much detail as possible about you in mitigation.

25% Utilitarian Discount

If you enter a Plea of Guilty to Fraud at the earliest opportunity, you will be afforded 25% utilitarian discount on sentence.

Tayla Regan

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